
ICEPAY notifies merchants for status changes on transactions and authorisations. Notification is sent on the status changes listed below. Integrating postback handles with merchant systems is essentials since this is the most reliable way of receiving the result of a payment request. Redirect on the other hand is another way but due the fact that there is a chance that consumer leaves browser open or closes the browser without finishing the checkout steps, a redirect might not happen.

Merchant services should listen these notifications to be notified with status changes and respond postback requests with success status code. If postback call doesn't return success status code (HTTP status code 2xx) then ICEPAY will retry 10 times with a delay of fibonacci numbers until the services returns success. After 10 times retries will be stopped.

Postback is an HTTP POST request from ICEPAY to merchant back end services. It contains a json body with status and some other details (please check this page for more information), checksum in header that merchant can calculate their checksum and make sure the request is not tampered. Please refer to checksum calculation for more details.

Postback notification

Status Description
COMPLETED The transaction is successfully processed and is cleared by the payments system. There could be SETTLED notification sent after this one. However funds have not (yet) been received by ICEPAY. It's the customers own risk to deliver products and/or services based on this status.
CANCELLED Transaction is cancelled. This is the latest event on the transaction.
FAILED Transaction is failed. This is the latest event on the transaction.
EXPIRED Transaction is expired. This is the latest event on the transaction.
SETTLED Transaction was settled to ICEPAY, funds were received by ICEPAY and the transaction was fully reconciled in the payments system. Transaction will be credited to the balance of the merchant and is available for payout.